Here is a list of things we didn't especially like and will not do again probably:
Volcano peppers-We like these and they grow really well and produce a lot of fruit but we just don't eat them that much. They are a little spicy for my taste and there are so many of them we can't give them all away. Maybe we just planted too many. I don't know why we even plant hot peppers in the first place because we don't really ever eat them.
Carnival bells-We like these bell peppers o.k. but not enough to grow again. They are unique because they are small and colored but the novelty wears off. Also, we didn't like the taste as much as a traditional bell pepper.
Jetsonic tomatoes- We got these as freebies when we ordered seed this year. They have an o.k. flavor but we would rather use the space for something more delicious. The plants act determinate only reaching about 2 feet.
Georgia Streak heirloom tomatoes-We didn't have good luck with these at all. We gave them the same care as all the other tomatoes but only ended up getting a couple tomatoes off of two plants. They seem more prone to rotting than any of the others we grew. Also the taste was good but not exceptional.
Red Velvet okra-I don't know if this is the norm or if something went horribly wrong but our plants only grew about 2 feet tall as opposed to head high for green okra and only produced about 2 pieces per plant. Also the okra was tough and not really good eatin'. Chris says "If you want to serve this for dinner give your guests a hack saw in addition to a fork." Ha Ha.
Turkish Eggplant- We didn't grow any of these here in container pots and our soil garden didn"t do so hot this year so we may be biased based on our own inabilities to grow these. They were smaller than we expected (about golfball size as opposed to softball size). They grew pretty well considering the trouble we had with the soil garden so I think in the right conditions they would probably produce a lot. The taste is pretty good. Not as tough and dry as a normal black eggplant. Overall, we like these but didn't grow them very well so I would not be averse to trying again sometime in the future but maybe not next year.