Sunday, June 13, 2010

garden friend

this butterfly stopped by this morning.

nice cluster!

these better boys are looking good.


blossom end rot - patio tomato

some of the fruit on the patio in a SWC has developed blossom end rot. a search in one of our natural pest and disease books reveals this could be due to overwater or periods of drought or a lack of calcium that ultimately prevents water and nutrients from reaching the entire fruit cluster. this is our first experience with BER. not all of the fruits have it. we will keep posting updates on this plant.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Air Plant ready to bloom!

One of 3 air plants we have. This one is ready to bloom.

Garden Update June 3 2010

Tomatoes everywhere.  Cukes growing nicely, cosmos ready to bloom, basil and cilantro ready to pick.  Strawberry or two and peppers are flowering.  The bees have been out pollinating.