Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Waterfarm - General Hydroponics

Here is a batch of delicious variety tomatoes growing in a waterfarm from General Hydroponics.

It drinks about a gallon every 72 hours at this growth rate. Adding nutrient at each refill. These are ready to pick.


  1. I actually hung out with Gen Hydro this weekend. They are the most bunch of chill people I have ever met. The Waterfarm is good, but needs a larger reservoir. Your tomatoes look great.

  2. I agree. This is a modest size plant, and proof that hydro works well in fruit production, but you are correct. A plant of this size consumes nutrient. Perhaps something smaller next time will be better. Its a great product for the front porch because of the small size. Once this guy is finished, I am going to plant lettuce for the fall/winter and bring it indoors.

  3. The waterfarm is perfect for lettuce and herbs.

    Have you seen the Gen Hydro blog?

